Balkan Architectural Biennale – BAB is a regional event that is happening each two years in Belgrade with a mission to improve architectural practice by integrating science, production and architectural construction. It consists of three pillars / main events: architectural exhibition, scientific conference and Investment forum (Arena of investments or similar events) that form a tirade for presenting and discussing innovations in architecture, urbanism and design.
“Balkan Architectural Biennale – BAB is an architectural-cultural platform: BALKAN UNLIMITED that seeks to enlighten main topics in the field melting boundaries among Balkan countries connecting with global trends interdisciplinary. Balkan Architectural Biennale – BAB presents an open platform for promoting and improving urban, architectural and designers’ theory and practice among Balkan countries incorporating regional and global influence. It consists of numerous events out of which the main one is happening each two years including: architectural and designers’ international exhibition, scientific conference, Arena of investments in architecture and side events like workshops, exhibitions, thematic lectures, BAB Cinema, etc.