Balkansko arhitektonsko bijenale (BAB) uputilo je poziv arhitektama, urbanistima i dizajnerima da se prijave za učešće na šestom po redu izdanju ove manifestacije, koje će...
LET'S CREATE BALKAN VILLAGE- SOCIABILE, FRIENDLY, HAPPY Balkan Architectural Biennale invites architects, urbanists and designers to take part in 6th BAB 2023, from 21 -28th...
on topic "Iconic Nomads in Global VIllage" Members of international jury in the field of architecture and urbanism: Ivan Milosevic - MNE, Vedran Jukic -...
on topic "Iconic Nomads in Global VIllage" Members of international jury in the field of architecture and urbanism: Ivan Milosevic - MNE, Vedran Jukic -CRO...
on topic "Iconic Nomads in Global VIllage" Members of international jury in the field of architecture and urbanism: Ivan Milosevic - MNE, Vedran Jukic -...
“ICONIC NOMADS” are formed and mature as spokespersons of local cultures. They are carriers of collective and personal identity and as such participate in...