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DECODING BALKAN is overall topic of 4thBalkan Architectural Biennale – BAB, which will be held in November 2019 in Belgrade. Balkan Architectural Biennale presents an open platform for promoting and improving urban, architectural and designers’ theory and practice among Balkan countries incorporating regional and global influence. It consists of numerous events out of which the main one is happening each two years including: architectural and designers’ international exhibition, scientific conference, side events like workshops, exhibitions, thematic lectures and Arena of investments in architecture.


(De)coding Balkan presents a process od recreating Balkan identity based on previous traditions and future intentions towards desirable images. It is also the main topic of International conference which will be held from 14-17th November 2019. in Belgrade, venue University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, gathering academics, professionals and practitioners in the fields of Architecture, Urbanism, Technology, Design, Geo-informatics. This year the special focus in on using contemporary instruments and tools e in the process of sending messages in between Balkan differences focusing on enabling understanding and common space for creating new Balkan identity.


Therefore, it explores past, present and future codes of building, designing, urban regulation, morphology, urban planning, used instruments and tools towards new paradigm of green: more transparent, efficient, ecologically friendly societies urbanism, architecture and design. Ecology is one of the main issue of global society, so the focus is on using contemporary tools in the fields to meet global standards and traditional diversity exploring / decoding the past and present traditions to code them into coherent future actions among Balkan and the region.


dr Tatjana Mrđenović

BAB commissioner