Architectural Projects from the competition “ArXellence 2” will be presented at BAB 2021 :: Alumil

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About competition ArXellence 2

The international architecture ideas competition “ArXellence 2” was successfully completed and the results have been announced. The event was endorsed by the International Union of Architects (UIA) and was carried out in constant and close cooperation with UIA’s ICC Council, implementing UNESCO’s standards for Architectural Competitions.

Online awards ceremony that was held on February 23th. The submitted proposals of “Arxellence 2” had been presented in an exhibition in Thessaloniki from September 11th to September 26th, 2021.

The topic of this year’s competition was the redevelopment of the misused western coastal side in Thessaloniki, Greece and the design of a new Central Business District. The participation exceeded our expectations with 1.464 registrations from 90 countries and 173 submitted projects. Due to restrictions that coronavirus pandemic has caused, the evaluation of the submissions was conducted online following the international protocols. The members of the international voting Jury examined in detail the entries via teleconference and simultaneous projection. After the evaluation, the Jury awarded 6 Prizes and 4 Honorable Mentions.

ALUMIL’s motto is “building excellence” and “ArXellence 2” reflects this philosophy to the global architectural community. At this strange and challenging period, with COVID-19 pandemic changing our daily life, we adapted our procedures and decided to keep on preparing the competition without compromises to its international character. We are proud that our efforts were successful and we believe that “ArXellence 2” sent a strong message of creativity and architectural innovation.

For further information about the competition’s awarded proposals, you can click here.