Arena investicija u arhitekturi i urbanizmu – AIA/ Arena of Investments in Architecture – AIA

Arena investicija u arhitekturi i urbanizmu – AIA/ Arena of Investments in Architecture – AIA


Pozivamo vas da uzmete učešće u Areni investicija u arhitekturi i urbanizmu – AIA koja predstavlja integralni deo Balkanskog arhitektonskog bijenala – BAB u smislu prezentacije investicionih poduhvata i akvizicije investitora za privođenje nameni lokacija od značaja za razvoj gradova i teritorija. AIA se ove godine organizuje u okviru 44. Međunarodnog sajma građevinarstva SEEBBE  od 18-21. 04. 2018. godine u Hali 1 Beogradskog sajma uz podršku Ministarstva građevinarstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukture i Privredne komore Srbije.

We are  inviting you to take part in the Arena of Investments in Architecture and Urbanism – AIA which is an integral part of the Balkan Architectural Bienniale – BAB in terms of presentation of investment projects and the acquisition of investors for the purpose of capturing the purposes of the sites of importance for the development of cities and territories. This year, AIA is being organized as part of the 44th International Construction Fair SEEBBE from 18-21st  of  April 2018. at Hall 1 of the Belgrade Fair with the support of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure and the Serbian Chamber of Commerce.

Prijave slati na do 06.04.2018.

Application forms should be sent to until 6th of April 2018.


AIA_prijava za biroe

AIA_prijava za ulagače u prostor

AIA_prijava za LS

AIA_prijava za Slobodne zone

Očekuje se da ovakva sinergija omogući razvoj i unapredi arhitektonsko-urbanističku praksu, na način da će realizovati susret relevantnih aktera u cilju kreiranja budućih partnerstva, kao i razmenu iskustava u okviru predavačkog segmenta; u kojem bi na AIA 2018. pored stručnjaka, naučnika i teoretičara u oblasti arhitekture i urbanizma, učešće uzele i firme sa inovativnim pristupima  građenju; naročito vezano za ekologiju, isplativost, pametna rešenja.

Such synergy is expected to enable the development and improvement of architectural and urban practice, in order to realize the meeting of relevant stakeholders in order to create future partnerships, as well as exchange of experience within the lecture segment; in addition to experts, scientists and theorists in the field of architecture and urban planning, on the AIA 2018, companies with innovative approaches to construction would take part; especially regarding ecology, cost-effectiveness, smart solutions.

Svrha Arene investicija, arhitekture i urbanizma jeste kvalitativno unapređenje produkcije, odnosno prakse u arhitekturi i urbanizmu, kroz formiranje kreativnog miljea za razmenu ideja, mišljenja, inovacija između relevantnih aktera I konceptualizaciju partnerstava. Učesnici Arene su gradovi, opštine, biroi, privredna društva, privredne komore, banke, i svi potencijalni investitori u razvoju grada kao i pojedinci iz različitih struka koji uzimaju učešće u razvoju gradova i teritorija.

The purpose of the AIA is to qualitatively improve the production, ie practice in architecture and urban planning, through the creation of a creative mood for the exchange of ideas, opinions, innovations between relevant actors and the conceptualization of partnerships. Participants of the Arena are cities, municipalities, bureaus, companies, chambers of commerce, banks, and all potential investors in the development of the city as well as individuals from different professions who take part in the development of cities and territories.

Takoreći, uloga Arene je u kreiranju mesta susreta arhitekata, urbanista, građevinaca, ekologa, ekonomista, sociologa, istoričara umetnosti i svih stručnjaka koji učestvuju u razvoju grada i širih teritorija sa ciljem razmene ideja, mišljenja i sklapanja održivih partnerstva u cilju inovacija u urbanom i teritorijalnom razvoju na više nivoa:

  1. INVESTICIONOM – u okviru kojeg svaki grad, opština, firma ili investitor može zakupiti štand-prostor koji mu omogućava da prezentuje svoje proizvode, tražnju i-ili lokacije;
  2. INOVATIVNOM – u okviru kojeg svaki grad, opština, firma ili investitor može u okviru
    Predavačkog segmenta – treninga, prezentovati svoje poduhvate i proizvode koji doprinose pametnijim rešenjima u razvoju gradova i teritorija, a nakojem će biti prisutni i investitori.
  3. PARTNERSKOM – u okviru kojeg svi zainteresovani akteri (struka, nauka, investitori, gradovi, regioni, opštine, firme, itd.) otvaraju dijalog i započinju buduću saradnju.
    Osnovni cilj AIA je pokretanje partnerstva koja bi se mogla konceptualizovati na okruglim stolovima a i na taj način krenuti u kvalitetniju, održivu i pametniju urbanističko – arhitektonsku produkciju na teritoriji Balkana i šireg regiona.

In particular, the role of the Arena is to create a meeting point for architects, urban planners, construction workers, environmentalists, economists, sociologists, art historians and all professionals involved in the development of cities and wider territories with the aim of exchanging ideas, thinking and establishing sustainable partnerships for urban and territorial development on several levels:

INVESTMENT – within which each city, municipality, firm or investor can rent a booth-room that allows him to present his products, the demand of i-or locations;
INNOVATIVE – within which each city, municipality, firm or investor can within
Lecture segment – trainings, present their endeavors and products that contribute to smarter solutions in the development of cities and territories, and investors will also be present.
PARTNERSHIP – within which all stakeholders (professionals, scientists, investors, cities, regions, municipalities, firms, etc.) will open a dialogue and start future cooperation.
The main goal of the AIA is to launch a partnership that could be conceptualized at round tables and in this way to move towards a more quality, sustainable and smart urban and architectural production on the territory of the Balkans and the wider region.


Učesnici AIA 2018. mogu biti biroi, gradovi i opštine, investitori koji za prezentaciju svojih usluga, odnosno ponude razvojnih lokacija za investiranje mogu zakupiti prostor ili štand u minimalnoj kvadraturi od 5m2 ili učestvovati sa upisninom na obuci o aktiviranju svoje teritorije koju drže referentni predavači iz relevantnih institucija.

Participants of AIA 2018 may be bureaus, cities and municipalities, investors who can rent space or booths in a minimum area of 5m2 for the presentation of their services, or offers of investment development sites, or to participate in training on training on the activation of their territory held by reference lecturers from relevant institutions.